NCTA Hosts Coffee With a Forester

June 6, 2019, 2:57 p.m. ·

The Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture in Curtis, Nebraska is hosting a “Coffee with a Forester” event on June 18. The event aims to educate the public on the basics of tree care.

Rachel Allison, Forester for the Nebraska Forestry Service, will be leading the walk through Curtis’s campus. She said many people go about caring for trees in improper ways and they don’t end up with the product they are looking for.

“Sometimes, people have the idea in their mind that ‘I just want this perfect beautiful tree.’Then they’re disappointed because it doesn’t perform like they expect it to," Allison said. "I think it’s more maybe not need to, but would want to because then they would be able to have a successful tree established in their yard or in their windbreak.”

Topics of discussion include the basics of pruning, planting, recovery against fungus and insects. The event starts at 6 p.m. and is free to the public. To register, contact Catherine Hauptman in the NCTA Dean's office.